
Our experienced team of former police surveillance specialists brings all of its investigative experience and professional skill to bear on your project. Our people are used to investigating complex criminal cases and tackling serious organised crime to benefit commercial and private clients. Our Surveillance Team, which is made up of both male and female operatives, provides static and mobile surveillance for extended periods right across the UK.

Our surveillance team members have a great deal of experience in presenting evidence effectively and professionally at Court and at Tribunals, complete with detailed reports and supported by covertly-obtained video and photos.

Our surveillance services include support for employers around criminal activity in the workplace and bogus staff absenteeism, false personal injury claims, industrial espionage, the housing and control of individuals before legal documents are served, gathering evidence and intelligence to prove matrimonial or partner infidelity, mystery shopping, and fly tipping.

Get in touch

For more information on any of our services, fill out the form below or get in touch with us on 0333 567 70 80 or email us at